Our Staff…

Duane Metzler
Senior Pastor
I came on staff at New Life Fellowship in July of 2016. My wife Kris and I have been married over 30 years and have a family of two daughters, two sons-in-law, and a granddaughter. Prior to coming to New Life Fellowship, our family was involved in ministry at University Christian Fellowship on the campus of Millersville University. I served New Life as associate pastor for 4 years, and in August of 2020 was installed as Senior Pastor. My wife and I are graduates of Elim Bible Institute and I am also a graduate of Lancaster Bible College.
My passion in life is to demonstrate the Father heart of God to everyone I meet, and help connect people to God, other people, or resources they need. In my free time, I enjoy watching or playing sports, hosting parties, game nights, planning trips, singing with the Red Rose Chorus, and landscaping.
Kris has been a wonderful ministry partner, helping with pre-marital counseling and weddings, visiting in people’s homes, helping me host gatherings at our house, and being a great prayer support. Kris sings on the worship team at New Life Fellowship and serves on the elder team with me.

Arlen Stoltzfus
Associate Pastor
It’s a privilege to be welcomed into the New Life family! I grew up here in Lancaster County, but at the early age of 18 I felt the call of God to go into missions and joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Australia. Since then, I have lived the last 19 years overseas, working with YWAM in different countries including Australia, the Netherlands, Romania and Croatia. My main role was running Discipleship Training Schools (DTS), training leaders, and leading outreach teams to many different locations in Asia, Africa and Europe. I have really enjoyed living and working cross-culturally and the richness of knowing people from many different national and denominational backgrounds. I have a passion for people and for discipleship!
My wife, Jette, is from the Netherlands, and we met while working with YWAM in Australia. We married in 2008, and embraced being a multi-cultural family, with even our three girls all being born in different countries: Anna-Sophie in Australia (2009), Louise in the Netherlands (2011), and Evelina in Romania (2016).
In the end of 2020 we moved to Pennsylvania, with a sense of God calling me to some kind of pastoral work back in the US. We saw God’s clear direction in leading us to this position at New Life. My passion is inspiring and influencing others to grow as image bearers, to reflect more of who God is to the world! I also love sports, movies, and going on adventures with my family!

Dawn Martin
Administrative Assistant
I first came to New Life Fellowship in January of 1994 and love it. I am encouraged by our New Life family. I have grown closer to Jesus in many ways through the ministries here.
I have been married to my awesome husband, Steve since 1995. We have been blessed with three awesome children: Kayla married to Tyler in 2021, Konner, and Kole. I love being grammy to our beautiful granddaughter, June. Our desire is to raise our family so that they know and live for Jesus.
I began my position as administrative assistant in 2009 and enjoy working with everyone at New Life. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Rachel Good
Children's Ministry Director
I have always had a passion for working with children and for children’s ministry. I believe that God loves His little children and their sense of wonder and innocence. It is our job as a church family to come alongside parents to help foster their spiritual life through these formative years.
I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education in 2013. My husband and I met in college and were married in 2014. After moving to Pennsylvania, I began attending New Life and teaching third grade at a Christian school in the area. I taught there for five years. We now have three daughters and I stay at home with them while also running the Children’s Ministry at New Life. I love to spend time with my girls, watch and play sports, bake, and explore restaurants/try new foods.
My desire is for all of the children at New Life to learn to know the Truth of who God is and who they are as Children of God through the study of His Word.