Our Outreach…
- Thailand
- Haiti
- India
- United States
- Kenya
Other Outreach Events:

Other Outreach Events:
New Life Mission Haiti began as an outreach of New Life Fellowship. In 2015 it became it’s own 501c3 organization. The vision of New Life Mission Haiti is to positively impact the spiritual, economic and educational development of rural Hatian communities through the Gospel of Christ by providing committed competent services that meet the temporal needs of the Haitian people while maintaining the integrity of the Haitian cultural.
Check out our New Life Mission Haiti Facebook page.
We support Pastor Sharath Bhushan and Gospel Fellowship of India in Razole, India. Pastor Sharath has a Bible School, orphanage and is very active in his community.
We support Eldon and Melody Martin and family with Elim Fellowship as they share God’s love in Thailand.
We support Mike and Karen Kilmer. They serve with Christ In Action to bring hope to families that have experienced disaster situations.
We support TNT Youth Ministry. TNT stands for Teens Need Truth and their mission is to serve alongside local schools and churches to reach out to the youth of the community and let them know that Christ offers the gift of TRUE life.