Spur Groups at New Life Fellowship are life-giving community groups that promote relationship with God and each other! They meet during the week at various times and places to accommodate schedules and preferences of many people. Spur groups encourage and motivate participants to live out their faith in daily living with each other as a support system for prayer. Groups vary in topic and will change throughout the year as seasons change.
We believe men have a God given role to fill in their home, church and community. Our goal at New Life Fellowship is to encourage men to aggressively pursue Christ in each of these roles through challenging teaching, relationships and encouragement. This is accomplished through men’s breakfasts, retreats, small groups and personal relationships. Check the church calendar for men’s events.
The NLF Women’s Ministry desires to create a space where women of all ages feel loved, valued, and included. Our goal is to build relationships and encourage each other in our daily walk with Jesus. We desire to experience the transforming power of Jesus so that our lights will burn brighter and further than ever before. Helping each other identify and use our unique spiritual gifts.
To usher New Life Fellowship into a deeper understanding and experience of
worship by glorifying God and magnifying His name through worship in
community. To pursue in our gatherings an experience of worship on earth as
it is in heaven, where our congregation passionately and freely expresses
praise with a single, loud voice flowing from lives that have been changed
through the work and ways of Jesus.